115 special children from three different charitable homes had the pleasure of breaking their fast with one of Malaysia’s top singers, Dayang Nurfaizah and Bangsar Seafood Restaurant at One Bangsar.
The children come from ASRAMA BAITUL UMMAH, PUSAT PERTUTURAN KIU & PDK SELAYANG under the auspices of the National Council for Child Welfare.

The Malaysian Council for Child Welfare or Majlis Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Malaysia (MKKM) is the premier national non-governmental organisation (NGO) with the aim of promoting the well-being of children.
It complements and supplements our Government’s efforts in the welfare and development of children and promotes the general principles embodied in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was ratified by Malaysia in 1995.

Dayang donning an apron, getting ready to serve Milo to the guests.

The event began with the opening remarks from the emcee for the evening, Ms Shazi Sultan, followed by a short doa before breaking fast. The children, their care-givers, the sponsors and guests were then treated to a mouth-watering buffet from Bangsar Seafood as venue and F&B sponsors.

After breaking fast and attending to their prayers, the kids were treated to four renditions of songs praising the Prophet Muhammad from the Royal Haqqani Mawlid Ensemble.

Soon after, entertainer and songstress Dayang Nurfaizah took the stage with her rendition of famous songs and the ever-famous Dayang Sayang Kamu.

She was accompanied by HMC Phlow dancers. This got all the children excited and they were singing along with their favourite singer. Some children were bold enough to take the stage and even the microphone to sing and dance along with Dayang.

Dayang also gave out duit raya to all the children.

Three major sponsors for the evening were Nestle, who was gracious enough to make the children’s day by dispensing cold Milo as well as goodie bags and KL Sogo, who generously sponsored goodie bags as well, while Bangsar Seafood was the venue and F&B sponsor.

We applaud Dayang Nurfaizah for not forgetting the unfortunates during the festive month. The children really enjoyed themselves that evening as we could see from their smiles.
We did too. Thank you Dayang for inviting us to be part of this charity event.

One of the activities to keep the children busy was the sand art. Apparently, the adults also
tumpang sekaki. LOL!

Thank you to Milo for providing free flow ice cold Milo for all the guests...Yum!

Check out the video of the event