POPULAR singer Dayang Nurfaizah charmed the nurses at the Columbia Asia hospital in Seremban with her friendly banter and an impromptu performance during her visit to the medical centre in conjunction with Nurses’ Day recently.
Dayang, who was invited by the hospital’s management as a treat for the nurses, won them over with a soulful rendition of her hit song Dayang Sayang Kamu.
“This is my first ever Nurses’ Day performance and I’d be happy to do it again. I feel honoured to have been invited.
“I’m glad I got the chance to entertain the nurses, it may only have been for a little while but I hope I put smiles on their faces,” she said, adding it was important to remember the contributions and sacrifices nurses made to society.
Some 200 nurses at the hospital, support staff and even patients took the opportunity to snap pictures with the singer during her visit.
Fan club: Dayang Nurfaizah singing during her visit as the happily snapped photographs of her.
Dayang joined the nurses in cutting a cake to commemorate the day-long celebration and later toured the hospital’s wards bringing cheer to patients.
Delivery room charge nurse P. Kala said Dayang’s visit was one she would cherish as the singer displayed genuine warmth and concern for the nurses.
“Dayang was very down-to-earth, very friendly. She cheered us up with her laughter, it was definitely a wonderful Nurses’ Day celebration with her presence,” she said.
Hospital general manager Lee Hui Chuen said Nurses’ Day was celebrated annually to recognise and remember the crucial role nurses played in healthcare services.
“Two-thirds of our staff members are nurses and their services are invaluable to us and we want them to know their hard work is appreciated.
“Nurses are always taking care of patients’ needs and listening to their complaints, a break like this definitely cheers them up,” she said adding that the nurses at the hospital were well trained to provide excellent care to patients.
Lee said nursing was a growing field and nurses at Columbia were given the opportunity to improve themselves through further studies.
“There are plenty of opportunities for our nurses, in fact the general managers of two hospitals in our group (Columbia) are former nurses. That speaks volumes of their capabilities,” she said.
Refreshments were also served throughout the day for the nurses, doctors and support staff at the hospital.
Nurses’ Day is celebrated worldwide on May 12 on the birthday of Florence Nightingale.
Source: The Star Monday May 17, 2010
bagus dayang ni buat kerja2 amal mcm ni...